What We Believe

It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills. It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie. It is better to stand alone with the truth, than to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie. There is only one Gospel. - Adrian Rogers

Core Beliefs

The following are the core beliefs of Ekklesia Revived based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.


Exodus 3:14, Psalm 103:19, Genesis 1:1.
Before the foundation of the world there was God.  In Genesis 1:1 God created all things as He spoke each into existence.  God is omniscient, omnipresent, and sovereign.  God loves humanity as shown through their creation, his patience, his blessings, his correction, and the sacrifice of His son.  I believe God to be our creator, sustainer, the Alpha and Omega, the Holy Trinity, and the one true King.


Genesis 1:1, Romans 1:18-32, Genesis 12:7, Joshua 1:1-9
Revelation means to uncover something or uncovering. The doctrine of revelation means that God’s uncovers or makes known what is not known about himself. God began to reveal himself from the beginning with the act of creating the heavens and the earth. The biblical story is a record of God’s revealing himself to his creation. Which started in the beginning, then continue at the first coming of Christ, and will be fully revealed at his second coming. There are two ways God reveals himself. One General Revelation which means God’s revelation of truths about himself to all people through creation and human conscience. Special Revelation is the second way God reveals himself. Special Revelation is God revealing his truths about himself to certain people at definite times and places. Scripture being the main way and ultimately being revealed as a witness of Jesus as God’s son.


Genesis 2:4-25, Genesis 1:28
God created man in His own image.  He distinctly created man both male and female.  He created humanity for companionship and fellowship with Him.  God created man with a free choice to make their own conscious decisions.  Humanity was created to have dominion and rule and reign over the earth.  God desires all men to be obedient to Him.


Genesis 3, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, James 4:17
When God created Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden there was no sin.  God allowed Adam and Eve a choice.  He allowed them to eat from all the trees in the garden, but not from the tree of good and evil.  Eve fell for the temptation of Satan and the fall of man happened.  The sin became the first separation between man and God and with sin, man became mortal.  Sin is inherited from the Father.  A sinful nature is unavoidable for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

The Holy Trinity

Genesis 1:1-3, John 1:1, Mark 1:9-11
The word Trinity does not appear in the Bible, however the Bible clearly demonstrates a Holy Trinity in the form of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity is seen in the beginning at the creation of the world, and again at the baptism of Jesus Christ.

The Person of Christ

Philippians 2:5-7, Luke 2:52, John 11:35, Luke 22:44, John 18:1, Matthew 26:36-46
Jesus Christ, the Son of God is 100% man and 100% God.  Jesus existed in the form of God and willfully relinquished His glory to dwell on earth among men.  Jesus possesses a perfect sinless nature displaying his divinity.  Jesus possess the emotion, mind, and will of a human being.  Christ displayed His emotion, mind, and will in the Garden of Gethsemane, the flipping of the tables in the Temple, in the Temple as a 12-year-old talking with the religious leaders, and the death of Lazarus.

The Work of Christ /The Kingdom

Acts 1:8, Matthew 18:19-20, Matthew 5:17
Christ set the example for Christians to follow while here on earth.  The work of Christ is to spread the gospel and tell all of the good news of Jesus Christ.  The Work of Christ is to build the Kingdom of God in heaven.  The life of Jesus Christ perfectly fulfills the Levitical Law.  All believers are commanded to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to point all man to the cross.

Salvation/God’s Grace

John 3:16, Acts 16:31, John 1:9, Ephesians 2:1-10, John 14:6
Salvation is only attained through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  All men are given a choice to accept or reject the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Sin has caused a separation between God and man, and therefore all men require the perfect blood of Jesus Christ for entrance into eternal Glory with God.  Salvation is a three step process: justification, sanctification, and glorification.

The Scriptures

2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12
The Holy Bible is the complete inspired and inherent Word of God.  The 66 canonical books of the Old and the New Testament compose the Holy Bible.

The Holy Spirit

Acts 1:8
The Holy Spirit is God indwelling within believers on earth.  The Holy Spirit resides on the earth and finds residence within a believer upon salvation.  The Holy Spirit teaches and guides in order for man to be obedient to God and His will.  The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to empower the believe and for correction, conviction, and instruction.

Heaven and Hell

John 14:6, 2 Corinthians 12:2, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:20, Revelation 20:10, Revelation 21:8
Heaven and hell are true and literal places. Heaven is the literal location of God’s believers upon the death of their flesh.  Man cannot entire heaven upon their own doing but only through belief in the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  There are 3 heavens defined in Scripture.  The first is the firmament which is located above the earth, the second is outer space, and the third is where God resides.  Hell is a real and literal place created for Satan and his demons.  God never intended for man to reside in hell, however without the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ man will live in eternal damnation after the death of their flesh.

The Church

Acts 2: 42-47, Romans 12:4-5
God establishes His church in the book of Acts after the day of Pentecost.  He establishes the original church through the disciples.  The church served as a way for the disciples and the followers of Jesus Christ to remain together.  Together the people of the church were dedicated to the study of Jesus and the doctrine taught by the disciples.  The church was together in one accord and in unity.  Their focus was unified and it was to reach the world in the name of Jesus Christ.  They fellowshipped by the breaking of bread daily.  They sold all their possessions to care for one another.  God added daily by the salvations of those around them, and continued the growth of the church. The establishment of the early church is the model in which today’s church should strive to follow.  Fellowship, teaching, and breaking of the bread is a necessary and commanded practice of the modern church.  In the book of Romans, Paul discusses the importance of the church being one body with many members.  All members are to be in one with one another, and with Christ as the center.  Paul said that each member of the body is equipped with a separate job.  The church is designed to work well with one another in one body by the sharing of jobs and responsibilities as equipped by the Holy Spirit.

Baptism and the Lords Supper

Luke 22:14-23, 1 Corinthians 11:23-30, Luke 3:21-22, Acts 10:47-48, 1 Peter 3:21
The ordinances that are recognized are the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.  Jesus first performed the Lord’s Supper at the last supper with His disciples.  This occurred the night before the arrest of Jesus and was considered the Passover meal.  Jesus took the bread broke the bread and said “this is my body which is given for you, do this in remembrance of me.”  He took the wine and said, “this cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood.”  This means that the wine is a representation of the blood of Christ covering mans sins.  Paul reminds the Corinthian church about the necessity of remembering to take the Lord’s Supper.  He states that Christians should eat the bread worthy.  This means they should confess sins and ask for forgiveness prior to receiving the bread.  

The second ordinance is Baptism.  Baptism is the complete the immersion under water.  It is man participating in following Jesus Christ is His baptism.  John the Baptist baptized Jesus publicly.  Jesus was leading the way with how Christians should follow.   In the book of Acts Peter orders Christians to be baptized upon receiving the Holy Spirit through their salvation.  In 1 Peter, Peter again states that the water is a picture of baptism.  He emphasizes for the need for all people who have accepted Christ as their Savior to follow with baptism.  Baptism is a representation of an inward cleansing.  

Last Things/The Day of the Lord

Revelation 22, Matthew 24, Daniel 12
The rapture of the church will occur prior to the tribulation period.  Upon the rapture of the church, the great tribulation will begin for 7 years.  This period will be followed by the second coming of Christ and the millennial reign for 1000 years here on earth.  At the end of the 1000 years the new heaven and the new earth will be created on earth.  Those that have accepted the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ will remain with Him while the ones that have not will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity.

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